10 of My Favorite Audiobook Narrators

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our favorite audiobook narrators this week. I’m almost always listening to an audiobook while I’m cleaning, driving, or even exercising and I’m trying (with some success) to win my husband over. It was hard to limit my list to only ten. I tried to write a bit about why I like […]

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The Feast of Roses by Indu Sundaresan: Book Review

The Feast of Roses by Indu Sundaresan Book Cover

4 Stars. I slightly preferred the first book to this one, only because this one dwelled so much on politics. I’m not a strategist so reading the machinations of the Mughal court was a bit less interesting to me than the events of Mehrunnisa’s earlier life. I also have very little patience for characters who make repetitive mistakes in […]

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The Twentieth Wife by Indu Sundaresan: Book Review

4.5 Stars. I’ve struggled a little lately with a bit of a reading slump. I can usually break out of those by reading a few quick fantasies. This book should not have worked for me right now but it absolutely did. I know very little Indian history so I didn’t know anything about this emperor, his wives, or even this period in […]

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