The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine: Book Review

3 Stars. So, I have a problem with these “Girl” or “Woman” books that have been everywhere the past several years. Do we have a genre name for them yet? You know the ones. Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train and on and on and on. I just can’t get into them. I loathe the characters. That’s exactly the point, but when I don’t like […]

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The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker: Book Review

4 Stars. As I write this, it’s been a year and a half since I listened to The Golem and the Jinni and I still think about how good it was. Then I feel a pang of guilt that I haven’t reviewed it and spread the love. So here we go. Details have faded a bit but I do remember that I loved innocent Chava and jaded Ahmad. Chava was […]

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