The Penderwicks in Spring by Jeanne Birdsall: Book Review

4 Stars. This book got a little dark! I was surprised! The Penderwicks have always had their childhood troubles but as an adult listening, they don’t seem insurmountable to me. My heart ached for Batty now. Poor thing. She’s always been the baby of the family, so I guess I’m used to thinking of her that way. I had a hard time […]

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The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall: Book Review

4 Stars. I just love the Penderwicks. They are all so cute! Rosalind feels older than twelve, but in her circumstances, I think that’s right. She’s stepped up to be a mother figure to the younger children. Skye is so abrasive and intelligent, Jane is so dreamy and unintentionally funny, and young Batty is just adorable. I love […]

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The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall: Book Review

4 Stars. I listened to this ages and ages ago, but I remember that I loved it. I don’t even recall the sisters’ names, but as I listened they each had a distinct personality and I was easily able to differentiate between them. There is no big plot here, it’s just a series of little adventures that these sisters have on their […]

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