10 of My Favorite Audiobook Narrators

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our favorite audiobook narrators this week. I’m almost always listening to an audiobook while I’m cleaning, driving, or even exercising and I’m trying (with some success) to win my husband over. It was hard to limit my list to only ten. I tried to write a bit about why I like […]

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Top 10 Audiobooks for Younger Readers

Top 10 Audiobooks for Younger Readers

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share the “books I meant to read in 2020 but didn’t get to.” If you’ve been around my blog for any amount of time, you’ll know that I’m a mood reader and make very few bookish plans. So that means I’m posting my own list again this week. I shared my Top Ten Adult Audiobooks a couple […]

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Top Ten Books Read in 2012

I am literally counting down the minutes to 2013, but I thought I’d throw out one last post for 2012–the obligatory top ten list. I’m too stingy with my 5-star ratings; this is tough to do! I am leaving re-reads out, which makes it even harder. Please note that these are books that I read in 2012, they were not published in […]

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