Hole in the Sky by William Kittredge: Book Review

Hole in the Sky by William Kittredge Book Cover

2 Stars. I just couldn’t click with this book. Kittredge does write beautifully and he writes of a way of life that seems to be disappearing. He writes fondly of the hands who worked the ranch, some of them for years and years for little more than room and board. He describes the difficult land in the salt flats of eastern […]

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The Reader by Bernhard Schlink: Book Review

When Michael Berg is 15, he has an affair with Hanna Schmitz, who is over twice his age. The affair does eventually come to an end, but their lives are intertwined afterwards. This book should have been passionate, challenging, and emotionally wrenching. But I just felt too distanced from everything. I’m trying to decide if Continue Reading…

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Mama Makes Up Her Mind by Bailey White: Book Review

Mama Makes up Her Mind by Bailey White Book Cover

4 Stars. You should see my copy of this book. One of my co-workers, who, for various reasons, has only recently seen how much I read, saw all the neon post-it flags sticking out of the side of my book and asked me what on earth I was doing. I blushed and tried to explain how the people in Bailey White’s humorous little […]

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