A Blade So Black by L. L. McKinney: Book Review

A Blade So Black by L. L. McKinney Book Cover

3.5 Stars. I really enjoyed this concept and these characters, but I wish the storyline had been tightened up a bit. Alice’s whole first mission (Or maybe two? I’ve waited a bit too long on my review) ultimately felt like filler. There’s some setup for the main conflict and the worldbuilding element but that part really could […]

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Gil’s All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez: Book Review

Gil's All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez Book Cover

This book cracked me up! My best description is that it’s a version of Tucker and Dale vs Evil if Tucker was a werewolf and Dale was a vampire. I can’t watch many horror movies but that one made me laugh, just like this book did. Earl and Duke aren’t quite as hapless as Tucker and Dale since they’re very aware of their own […]

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Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews: Book Review

Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews Book Cover

I really, really want to give Save the Date four stars, and I would have, but somewhere about halfway through I got fed up with Cara. Up to that point, she’d been such a little fighter that I’d been rooting for her all along. And sure, she has a lot on her plate, but then she goes looking for–and creates!–trouble where none […]

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Spring Fever by Mary Kay Andrews: Book Review

Title: Spring FeverAuthor: Mary Kay AndrewsNarrator: Kathleen McInerneyGenres: Women’s Fiction, Southern LiteratureFormat: Audiobook Synopsis Annajane Hudgens and Mason Bayless got married when they were fairly young. Both their mothers were opposed to the idea but the young lovers didn’t care; they were in love. Their relationship slowly fell apart due to miscommunication, stubbornness, and the crumbling effect Continue Reading…

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