The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking: Book Review

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking Book Cover

3 Stars. The Little Book of Hygge was pleasant enough, but as an introvert, I found very little new information here. I try to maintain a cozy, welcoming home and I’ve always preferred low lighting. I love candles (although not to the extent that Danes apparently do), sweets, comfort food, and Christmas. My list of close friends […]

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Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore: Book Review

Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore Book Cover

I finished this back on July 27 but I’ve already forgotten everything about it. Ugh. But that’s typically what happens with my three-star books so at least I know I rated it accurately. Christopher Moore’s brand of humor is not for everyone. I think it varies wildly from book to book so it’s not even reliably to my taste. This […]

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Full Throttle by Joe Hill: Book Review

Full Throttle by Joe Hill Book Cover

I “discovered” Joe Hill somewhere back around 20th Century Ghosts or Heart-Shaped Box. I don’t recall which I read first but I think I read them pretty close together. I’ve eagerly snatched up his new books as they’re published ever since, which isn’t something I do with most authors. I’m a library girl and have been all my […]

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The Fireman by Joe Hill: Book Review

The Fireman by Joe Hill Book Cover

I try hard to avoid any blurbs or early reviews of books that I’m really anticipating, but somehow things just seep into my consciousness and I’m not even sure how they got there. So in addition to having my own ridiculously high hopes for this book, I’d come across things like “Hill’s magnum opus!” and “his best work to date” […]

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The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman Book Cover

I adore Neil Gaiman’s work, so I jumped at the chance to review this new collection of his nonfiction. I’ve read bits and pieces of his graduation speeches and stuff like that and it always makes me stand up and cheer, “Yes! This! This man gets it!” And that should probably tell you where my expectations were. The collection […]

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The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury: Book Review

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury Book Cover

I honestly picked this up for a reading challenge, not expecting to enjoy it. I do love fantasy but science fiction isn’t really my thing, with only a few exceptions. I read Fahrenheit 451 back in 8th grade and didn’t care for it, but there was very little reading that I had to do for school that I did like. Imagine my surprise […]

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Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore: Book Review

Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore Book Cover

2.5 Stars. What this feels like is a contractual obligation. My guess is that Christopher Moore signed a deal for a follow-up to A Dirty Job, time was up, so he knocked this out. I wasn’t impressed. I laughed/cried/snorted my way through A Dirty Job. Seriously. I may have chuckled once or twice this go ’round. Charlie’s new body […]

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Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

Reviewed September 7, 2009 Busy week + training + overtime=forgettable review. Sorry, guys. These stories/poetry were pretty dark. But then it’s been a while since I read any Gaiman, so maybe I’ve just forgotten how dark he can be. I would really put this on a dark fantasy/horror lite shelf, but that’s fine by me. Continue Reading…

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