Fereiba lived a lonely childhood in Afghanistan. Her mother died in childbirth and her stepmother never treated her like a real member of the family. Her stepmother does eventually arrange a marriage for her and it becomes a love match. Three children later, the Taliban are in power, Fereiba has had to give up the Continue Reading…
Top Ten Books of 2014
I hate to say it, but 2014 was by and large just an average reading year for me. I read a lot of books I liked, some of them quite a lot, but I didn’t actually rate anything five stars. I’m not sure what that means. Is my taste changing and my book choices aren’t Continue Reading…
The Pearl That Broke Its Shell by Nadia Hashimi: Book Review
Rahima lives in a family of girls. Her father was a fighter for the local war lord in their Afghan village and he’s now addicted to opium. With custom demanding that the girls never leave the house without a male family member to escort them, they’re struggling. When Rahima’s aunt comes to visit, bearing stories Continue Reading…