A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi: Book Review

A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi Book Cover

4.5 Stars. Shirin is so relatable, despite our obvious differences. Who wouldn’t be angry and withdrawn after all she’s experienced, especially when she was born in the US and speaks better English and gets better grades than most of the people who give her a hard time? “I’m tired as hell, Mr. Jordan. I’ve been trying to educate […]

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Circe by Madeline Miller: Book Review

Circe by Madeline Miller Book Cover

4.5 Stars. Circe is every woman who has been treated as “less than” because of her gender. As a child, she accepts that everyone overlooks her. She’s not as beautiful as the other nymphs, so why would anyone pay attention to her? She’s starved for attention though, and makes some terrible decisions. But those decisions lead […]

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Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy: Book Review

Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy Book Cover

Holy cow. I’ve been looking for a book with a great twist for years (since reading Shutter Island back in 2010) and been consistently disappointed. This book didn’t just twist, it corkscrewed! Repeatedly! I literally gasped at the end of each part. I am not a fan of the “Girl” or “Woman” psychological thriller craze. I gave both […]

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In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides: Book Review

In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides Book Cover

This is probably one of the best nonfiction books I’ve ever read. I’ve been reading about one nonfiction book a month for the past five years or so but I’m still a fiction reader in my heart of hearts. I generally read my nonfiction at night before bed because I don’t worry too much about falling into the “one more chapter” trap […]

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Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok: Book Review

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok Book Cover

4.5 Stars. This book was so heartbreaking so much of the time. I adored Kimberly. She’s such a good daughter, friend, and student. She’s trying so hard to be everything to everyone. Her life is always hard, but it’s hardest when she first arrives, with no comprehension of American culture and little comprehension of the language […]

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NOS4A2 by Joe Hill: Book Review

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill Book Cover

Victoria McQueen, known at different times as Vic or The Brat, inadvertently discovers she has a special gift when she’s about ten years old. If she wants to find something badly enough, she can ride her Raleigh Tuff Burner bike across a rickety wooden covered bridge and find whatever she’s looking for on the other Continue Reading…

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