Abundance by Sena Jeter Naslund: Book Review

What I knew about Marie Antoinette before reading this book (spoilers ahead if you don’t know anything at all about her): She was married to Louis XVI, she said “Let them eat cake,” she was queen during the French Revolution, and (possible spoiler here)————————-she was beheaded. That was it. Three out of four isn’t bad. Continue Reading…

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Ahab’s Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund: Book Review

Ahab's Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund Book Cover

Synopsis from the book cover: From the opening line–“Captain Ahab was neither my first husband nor my last”–you will know that you are in the hands of a master storyteller and in the company of a fascinating woman hero.  Inspired by a brief passage in Moby-Dick, Sena Jeter Naslund has created an enthralling and compellingly Continue Reading…

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