Weekly Update for September 8, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for September 8, 2024! My husband has a lot of long weekends on his schedule suddenly so we took the opportunity last weekend to visit Connecticut and Rhode Island, two states we haven’t visited before. We only count a state as “visited” once we’ve actually done […]

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Weekly Update for September 1, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for September 1, 2024! I didn’t have anything to report on the personal front as I wrote last week’s post but that weekend we visited New York City. For all intents and purposes, this was my first visit. I’ve never been drawn to large cities because I’m not a fan of […]

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Weekly Update for August 25, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for August 25, 2024! This has been a quiet week so far so I don’t have much to report on the personal front. If you were here last week, you know that my local-for-now library was having a contest to name their new carts. I voted for Wheel Gaiman but I was in the […]

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Weekly Update for August 18, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for August 18, 2024! I made it back for a second week in a row! Woohoo! On Tuesday, we went to Lake George, NY. It’s a beautiful, clear lake nestled in the Adirondacks. We took a ride on a steamship called the Minne-Ha-Ha, named after a character in Longfellow’s […]

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Weekly Update for August 11, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for August 11, 2024! Well, I certainly didn’t mean to disappear for six months but, you know, life. The last time I posted, my husband, a travel nurse, was working near our home in North Carolina. We wrapped up that work assignment in May and took a couple of weeks off […]

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Weekly Update for February 18, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for February 18, 2024! On our second day in Florida a couple of weeks ago, we just took our time driving down through the Keys. I’ve only made the trip one time and that was with my in-laws. We were able to stop and look around a little more freely this time on our […]

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Weekly Update for February 11, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for February 11, 2024! I missed posting the past couple of weeks because we were in south Florida to do some touristy things and then visit my in-laws. We visited Biscayne National Park and went snorkeling our first day. I would not recommend snorkeling in January, even […]

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Weekly Update for January 21, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for January 21, 2024! My great-uncle (my grandmother’s brother) passed away on Monday. He had been sick for a while so it wasn’t unexpected but somehow death is still a shock, isn’t it? I rented a little place from him back when I was a single girl and the first couple […]

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Weekly Update for January 7, 2024

Welcome to my weekly update for January 7, 2024! Last week was fairly quiet as I was just trying to catch up on things after the holidays. We’re currently near Asheville, NC, my hometown, for a few months with my husband’s job. We’re not finished traveling but we decided that he could work closer […]

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Weekly Update for December 31, 2023

I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful holiday week! We had a nice Christmas weekend with my parents and then my sister and her husband joined us there on Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas day at home but my sister came over in the afternoon. We introduced her to the Hogwarts Legacy game and […]

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