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Welcome to my weekly update for January 26, 2015! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.
It’s been a fairly busy week. My grandmother had back surgery on January 15 and we’ve been trying to make sure someone is with her, temporarily in an assisted living facility for physical therapy, and my grandfather, living at home, pretty much all the time. Luckily we have a big family! She’s slowly getting better but we could use any thoughts and prayers you send our way. She is anxious to get home and we’re ready to have her home! Health and healing have to come first though.
My mom and I did take time out to see Sarah Addison Allen at her First Frost book launch at Malaprop’s on Monday night. She is always so sweet! I plan to write about the event as soon as I finish this post.
My book club meeting was Wednesday night. I chose Maus I and II by Art Spiegelman as this month’s read and I was a bit nervous about it. I read both books several years ago and they blew me away. No one else has ever read a graphic novel before but we do tend to read a lot of books based around the Holocaust. It was a hit! Well, as much of a hit as something like that can be. We discussed it for a long time, which is saying something since we tend to just say whether we like a book or not and then move on to what’s been going on in our lives. Yay! I’m proud of these ladies for stepping outside their comfort zones!
My mom’s birthday is on Wednesday Tuesday (I’ve lost track of my days), so she and my dad and my sister and her husband came over for a birthday dinner on Saturday night. My husband made Chicken Pecan Fettuccine, salad, garlic bread and, for the birthday cake, Andes Mint Chocolate Cake with Ganache. Holy moly. It was rich but fantastic!
Review: Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal by Mary Roach–4 Stars
Review: gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson, read by Catherine Taber–4 Stars
Nothing finished this week.
Currently Reading
A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin
Cress by Marissa Meyer, read by Rebecca Soler
All Over but the Shoutin’ by Rick Bragg
Up Next
I might finish Cress. If I do, When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead looks good. We’ll see though.
What are you reading this week?
I've been meaning to start the Lunar Chronicles forever! I think I'll finally pick up Cinder in February. Hope your grandmother's health improves soon!
I too just finished First Frost and found the magic quite refreshing!
Sending wishes for good health to your grandmother. How lovely to meet with Sarah Aadison Allen, I just finished First Frost and loved it.
Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
I've just started reading A Game of Thrones and I'm listening to the audiobook as well. I'm hoping I love it and continue with the series.
Hope your grandmother is feeling better and back home soon. The book launch sounds like a lot of fun, I have read one of her books and really enjoyed it. Have a great week reading!
Brooke at brookeblogs.com
I hope your grandmother improves. Great that you've got a big family to share the load.
any leftovers of that B'day meal…? wow! delish!
lots of reading since friday eve as part of the National Readathon Day –
now onto #WintersRespite readathon beginning in about 4 hrs – running til Feb 1st. Happy reader here – always motivated by a readathon 🙂
[makes me clear the deck] :))
Glad you had the meet and greet with SAA – memories…
have a great week…
Hope your grandmother is much better soon. Even with a big family it can be taxing, but thank goodness for big families- I'm from one myself. How wonderful to meet up with SAA and her First Frost book, looking forward to reading your thoughts.