The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman Book Cover

I adore Neil Gaiman’s work, so I jumped at the chance to review this new collection of his nonfiction. I’ve read bits and pieces of his graduation speeches and stuff like that and it always makes me stand up and cheer, “Yes! This! This man gets it!” And that should probably tell you where my expectations were. The collection […]

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Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman: Book Review

Reviewed September 7, 2009 Busy week + training + overtime=forgettable review. Sorry, guys. These stories/poetry were pretty dark. But then it’s been a while since I read any Gaiman, so maybe I’ve just forgotten how dark he can be. I would really put this on a dark fantasy/horror lite shelf, but that’s fine by me. Continue Reading…

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Stardust by Neil Gaiman

Young Tristran Thorn (who’s birth is maybe not as…aboveboard…as Victorian society would like) is desperately in love with Victoria Forester. He screws up his courage one night to ask her to kiss him or marry him or just–something! He is met with laughter. In desperation, he offers to slay dragons and bring back treasures for Continue Reading…

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