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Title: Ready Player Two
Author: Ernest Cline
Narrator: Wil Wheaton
Series: Ready Player One #2
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopia, Pop Culture, Adventure
Audience: Adult
Format: Audiobook
My Synopsis:
A few years after the events of Ready Player One, Wade isn’t doing well. He struggles with his personal relationships and he’s sinking into depression. But then he stumbles onto new technology that Halliday left behind, making the Oasis more immersive and addictive than ever before. He also triggers a new quest that will require him to rely on his friends, both the old and the new, more than ever.
My Review:
While I did enjoy Ready Player Two, my expectations were so high from Ready Player One that it was almost guaranteed to be a bit of a letdown. I still loved all the ’80s Easter eggs that I identified but this older Wade isn’t quite as engaging. He’s still a major geek but his absolute resistance to listening to others’ advice and his pity party got a bit old. One of the quests lasted too long for my taste and I wasn’t entirely happy with the identity of one of the villains. Still, the inevitable movie will be a lot of fun.
Also, the final conclusion? I don’t think I agree with it. I need to chew it over with someone.
I read Ready Player One in print but after reading rave reviews of Wil Wheaton’s narration, I listened to this installment. He really is the perfect narrator for these books.
I originally rated Ready Player Two 3.5 stars but I’ve struggled to write this review because I’ve already forgotten quite a few details in the month since I finished listening to it. I’m changing it to 3 stars.
If you’re a fan of the original book, by all means read this one. The nostalgia that made it such a hit is still there. Just try not to set your expectations as ridiculously high as mine were.
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Buy Ready Player Two from Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville, NC.
I have to admit that I shared Nicole’s reaction to Ready Player One – it was fun, but I thought the 80’s nostalgia was all it had going for it. If, having enjoyed the first one more than I did, you still weren’t excited about this one, I feel like I can safely continue to pass on it. Thanks for the review!
Yes, I wouldn’t actively discourage anyone from reading it, but if you were just in the first one for the nostalgia, the novelty has worn off for the second book. You’re making the right call.
Hmm. Given my opinion of Ready Player One (fun nostalgia, mediocre writing, felt more like a novelized screenplay than a book and needed actors to give personality to the characters) I think I will skip this one. On the other hand, Wil Wheaton is great to listen to, so maybe eventually I’ll pick up the audiobook?
My expectations are low for this book but mainly because what I enjoyed most about RP1 is the nostalgia and the 80s references. Plus the story was fun. The writing was meh though. That tends to bother me more nowadays than it did in the past so we’ll see how this turns out.
Your review is similar to another one that I read. I enjoyed the first one, well mostly the ’80s references, but may not read this one.
I’d seen this / Ready Player One on many best-of-2020 lists during TTT, and wondered what it was about. I didn’t know this was science fiction! Can’t say it looks very interesting 🙁
I ve been curious about this one thanks for sharing your thoughts
I listened to Ready Player One in 2012 and gave it a 4.5/5 rating. The audiobook is one of my all-time favorites. I’ve yet to read a good review for this sequel, so I’m going to skip it. Thanks for your review.