Series I Haven’t Finished Yet

Ten Book Series I Haven't Finished

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Top Ten Tuesday

Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl invited us to share our top ten indie/self-published books this week, a topic suggested by Nicole at BookWyrm Knits. I don’t pay any attention to publishers, etc. so I wasn’t sure where to even start. I know The Martian by Andy Weir (which I like but never reviewed) was originally self-published. And that’s about all I know about that. So I dug back into the TTT archives and decided to share ten series I haven’t finished yet. Nicole has inadvertently brought my attention to all the series that I haven’t finished as she posts series updates herself, so it seemed like a fitting digression. I have a very incomplete “series-to-continue” shelf on GoodReads if you want to take a look at a longer list. Each series name links to the series page on GoodReads.

Ten Book Series I Haven't Finished

I have an affiliate relationship with Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe in beautiful Asheville, NC. I will earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase merchandise through links on my site.

Series NameAuthorCurrent #
of books
# of books
I’ve read
Amelia PeabodyElizabeth Peters207
Mistress of the Art of DeathAriana Franklin53
Mary CrowSallie Bissell84
Dread NationJustina Ireland2 & stories1
The Clockwork CenturyCherie Priest7 & a story3
The Checquy FilesDaniel O’Malley32
Kingdom on FireJessica Cluess32
Small SpacesKatherine Arden43
The Kingston CycleC.L. Polk23
Theodosia ThrockmortonR.L. LaFevers42

That’s my list! Have you read any of these? Which series do you need to finish? Link up every Tuesday at That Artsy Reader Girl!

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  1. I have not done a blog post on this topic but did start a list at the beginning of the year of the ones I wanted to finish (10/47). I also picked the ones with the least amount of books to finish to make it more manageable!

    1. 10/47 sounds like it’s meant to be a TTT post! I just chose to highlight series that aren’t quite as well known. It was a little discouraging to see how far I have to go in the Amelia Peabody series.

  2. Peters is a writer I’ve been wanting to try- her books always look so fun! Maybe it’s those covers/ titles as well.

  3. I hope you get to finish these soon! I normally notice if books are self-pubbed when writing reviews since I include the publisher. If they don’t have a publisher listed in GR, then they are usually self-pubbed. I cross check on a retail site.

  4. oh girl, I feel your pain. I know next to nothing about books in these two categories. I think it is because I don’t accept preview books nor do I seek out ARCs. I use the library instead.

    1. Yes! I think that’s my problem too. As I’ve added a few books I’ve seen from this topic to my GoodReads TBR, I’ve been searching my libraries. Very few, if any, of the indies show up there. I don’t accept review books either.

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