The Long-Lost Home by Maryrose Wood: Book Review

The Long-Lost Home by Maryrose Wood Book Cover

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The Long-Lost Home by Maryrose Wood Book Cover
4 Stars

Title: The Long-Lost Home
Author: Maryrose Wood
Narrator: Fiona Hardingham
Series: The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place #6
Genre:  Historical Fantasy, Humor
Audience: Middle Grade
Format: Audiobook

My Synopsis:

All questions about The Incorrigibles and their family history are answered in the sixth and final installment of the series.

My Review:

I have listened to all of these books on audio and Katherine Kellgren’s whole-hearted narration has kept me coming back. She threw everything she had into howling at the moon, singing songs, and giving voices to both the innocent and the bad guys. I realized that Katherine had passed away before finishing the series as I added this book to my shelves and I was crushed. Fiona Hardingham ably stepped in to fill the void and did a marvelous job while being true to her own, slightly more sedate style, but I missed Ms. Kellgren’s spirited reading terribly. The author included a wonderful dedication to Katherine at the end that almost left me in tears.

That out of the way, I was so glad to finally wrap this mystery up! I truly enjoy reading about Penelope, Alexander, Beowulf, Cassiopeia, and company, but the series was about one book too long for me. Readers have had all the pieces of the puzzle in hand for a while, so it was just a matter of waiting for the characters to put it together. It was gratifying to watch them finally do that, even if there were a lot of unlikely coincidences. Still, the book is fun and written with tongue very much in cheek, so it doesn’t expect to be taken too seriously. Middle grade readers and other fans of the series will be pleased with the ending, if a bit sad to leave these characters behind.

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