Happy Father’s Day!

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Happy Father’s Day to any fathers out there!

Let me tell you about my dad. He can best be described by a conversation I had with my neighbor recently. I had been out of town, my parents had stopped by my house to water my plants and check the mail, and my dad and Neighbor Mike, age 70+, had talked a little while. Mike stopped me in my car when I got back the next week to ask how my trip had been. Then he said, “I spoke to your dad for a while on Saturday. You know, he seems like a good man.” Being me and not good at the “mushy” stuff, I kind of blew it off, “Well, he likes to talk a lot!” (And he does.) Mike says, “No, I’m serious. I get the feeling that, as little as he knows me, if I asked him to do anything for me, he would do it, no questions asked.” Okay, now I’m not getting out of this one with a breezy answer. “He is a good man and he would absolutely help you with anything he could.”

And he would. I can’t begin to tell you how often and how much he helps me and my husband, even though we’ve been married for almost six years now. As long as I can remember, if I call him for something, he’s there. No questions, he just is. “Daddy, I’m sick and I need you to come pick me up.” “Daddy, we need someone to drive our high school marching band’s equipment truck.”  “Daddy, I’m breaking up with my high school boyfriend of three years and I don’t know if I’ll get through it.” “Daddy, my car broke down and my husband’s out of town.” Even yesterday, “Daddy, can you help us fix our fence?” That turned into an epic evening of work when he stayed around to help us plant and mulch some new bushes and he even dragged out the chainsaw and leveled up some stumps in the yard. If he doesn’t know how to do something, he knows who I should call.

It extends to everyone.  He delivers gas to gas stations and fuel to people’s homes.  Oh, how most of his customers love him!  At Christmastime he comes in every day with little gifts from his “Grannies,” as he calls the elderly women he meets.  In summertime he brings home vegetables from their gardens.  They tend to be lonely and Daddy always has time for them.

In a time when we hear about so many “deadbeat dads,” I know that I am blessed to have a dad who is always there for me.

Thank you, Daddy.  I love you.

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  1. Bermudaonion, I'm so sorry to hear about your father.

    Misskallie, don't give up! My husband is every bit as generous as my dad. The good guys are out there, it just takes some time to find them! I'm sorry you lost your dad and brother.

    Aths, I'm so glad you have a dad like mine!

  2. Your Dad sounds so much like my Dad and my baby brother. They both love their family so much and were willing to help anytime you ask or even when you didn't, they just knew. I miss both so much but they are in a better place and in no pain now.

    If only I could find a man like my Dad and brother..Divorced in 1986 and still hoped I could find a guy like them. So wrong..Quit looking 10 yrs ago. lol..

  3. Your dad sounds so much like mine! I've never heard him say a "No" yet, and if he ever does, I will be the first to get an attack! Happy Father's Day to him!

  4. What a lovely tribute to your dad. Today is kind of bittersweet for me. My dad is 90 and up until recently he's been doing pretty good. I'm sad to say his health has been deteriorating and he's been bedridden for the last 3 weeks.

  5. What you wrote about your father is so beautiful… Makes me heart melt. It shows how much you love how and you well you two get along. Wonderful!

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