I Won a Blog Button!

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The fabulous Parajunkee of Parajunkee Design recently held a contest for a blog button. I was lucky enough to win! Yay! She asked what I would like and I rambled on about baby blue, fantasy, fairy tales, historical fiction, how much I love the design she did for Tina’s Book Reviews, how much I love the mountains where I live, and then just generally threw it in her lap. Look what she came up with!

I love it! It’s like she more than read my mind, because I would never have thought of something this perfect. If you want to jazz up your blog design, go check her out. I definitely recommend her work!

If you’d like to grab my button for your blog, you can find the code in my right sidebar.

What do you think?

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  1. Wow – great button! This is the second piece of work I have seen by Parajunkee Design today – very impressive!

    Enjoy your new button!

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