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Welcome to my weekly update for April 4, 2021!
Happy Easter to all who celebrate!
I got my first COVID vaccine on Wednesday! I truly thought it would be summer before I was eligible but Florida opened up to everyone age 40+ so I jumped at the opportunity. Florida’s law requiring that I prove seasonal residency had me a bit worried but my husband’s work contract, hospital ID badge, and our housing receipts were enough to get me in. What a huge relief! As I write this on Friday morning, my only complaint so far is a sore arm and I really only notice that when I’m reaching above my head into our kitchen cabinets.
For your viewing pleasure this week, I present what I believe is a calico crab on Siesta Key. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not sure if it was alive but I thought I saw movement in its eye/mouth area.

The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South by Michael W. Twitty–3 Stars
Into the Planet: My Life as a Cave Diver, written and read by Jill Heinerth–4 Stars
Ten Places in Books Where I’d Like to Live Hint: They’re all fantasy worlds.
6 Degrees of Separation from Shuggie Bain to Room
Rebel Queen by Michelle Moran–4 Stars. The pacing was a bit off for me but I enjoyed learning about Queen Lakshmi, “India’s Joan of Arc.” I expected to learn about her conflict with the British who were taking over her country. That part happened very quickly, with the book focusing instead on Sita (one of the queen’s female guards), Sita’s path to the palace, and her impressions and conflicts when she first arrived. It was still an enjoyable book though.
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, read by Kirsten Potter–4 Stars. I didn’t realize that this was a pandemic novel when I started it and thought I might have to return it to the library unfinished. Luckily, the actual pandemic wasn’t the focus; it was more about life twenty years later and the surprising connections we all share if we just look hard enough. I enjoyed Ms. Potter’s narration and will seek out more of her work.
Winterkeep by Kristin Cashore–4 Stars. Isn’t that cover gorgeous? I really like the Graceling novels but I somehow overlooked the fact that I haven’t read the third book in the series and jumped straight into this one, the fourth! Oops. I understood what was going on well enough. It was fun to read about a new country that relies more on technology than magic, even while harboring telepathic animals. One character felt like a deus ex machina, which I personally interpret as a weakness in the plot, but this was otherwise an absorbing read, full of political intrigue and family drama.
Skin Tight by Carl Hiaasen, read by George K. Wilson–3 Stars. When in Florida, you might as well read Hiaasen, right? Beginning with retired investigator Mick Stranahan killing a hitman by stabbing him with a stuffed marlin’s “sword,” the book only got more bizarre from there. The absurd twists and turns in this over-the-top crime novel were pretty funny but the almost-relentless objectification of women got old quickly. I probably won’t read more by this author. I did enjoy George K. Wilson’s narration though.
Currently Reading:
Spirals in Time: The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells by Helen Scales
Up Next:
Thanks for all the recommendations for books set on a train last week! I’ll probably start on one of those.
What did your week look like?
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Yay, I’m glad you got your vaccine! I actually just got my first shot today, since Maryland has now opened up vaccination to everyone and like you, I’ve got a slightly sore arm, but nothing too bad 🙂
That crab photo is amazing! I haven’t read Hiaasen in years, it doesn’t surprise me about the women issue.
No one, male or female, is cast in a good light. The book does center on plastic surgery but women particularly, with possibly one or two exceptions, were only noted for their parts.
Neat crab pic, and congrats on the first vaccine shot!
I have been wanting to start Station Eleven soon, but I did find out it had a pandemic as a main theme before starting it, so I’ve been waiting. I think we’re close enough to the other side of this COVID thing that I might enjoy reading it now, though. Especially as you’ve said the actual pandemic wasn’t the main focus.
The first few chapters worried me but they took place just as the pandemic was starting. Then the story flashes forward 20 years and back to well before the pandemic in alternating sections. It worked for me right now.
Oh, good to know. Now I can stop avoiding this one like… well, like the plague. 😉
Glad to hear you could get the vaccine! Come see my week here. Happy reading!
Congrats on getting your first shot! It is a relief to be fully vaccinated, and I am enjoying that state right now.
Enjoy your books…and that Calico Crab is impressive. Here are myy WEEKLY UPDATES
It was a relief just to get my first shot. I can’t wait for my second!
I loved Station Eleven, but read it a few years back. Yay on vaccinations.
Station Eleven was really good!
Well, whichever crab that is, it’s a huge one! Thanks for sharing a lovely pic. And on connected lines, I’m looking forward to your update on Spirals in Time. Congrats also for getting Vaccine I, hope things settle along soon. ~Lex
Yippee! Hooray for your first jab!! I’m so glad more states are opening up eligibility to more folks. We get our 2nd this Friday. I’m prepared for some side effects, but don’t have anything planned for Saturday, so I’m ready to hunker down if I’m feeling under the weather.
So glad you got your first vaccination, it really does feel like the first step to a changing/safer world. California is opening up to over 16s in a couple weeks so I hope people start rolling up their sleeves.
I’m so happy you were able to get your vaccine! It’s a huge relief to know that you are safe from serious infection, isn’t it? I’m slowly starting to venture out.
Glad you liked Station Eleven. It was the ending I liked best, I think.
I’m eager to hear what you think about Spirals in Time. I wonder if it will be a good book for our naturalist book club.
Yay for the vaccine, it’s going to be months and months til I’m eligible.
I’ve read a few from Hiaasen’s series, they are all pretty similar
Wishing you a great reading week
I loved the Graceling series, so really need to get hold of Winterkeep!
Love the picture of the crab!
I didn’t realize there was a fourth book in the Graceling series. It has been so long since I read the first books I may just have to skip it. I have read and re-read Station Eleven. It haunts me.
Oh wow cool crab pic! I bet it’s beautiful there. and congrats on the vaccine!
That cave book looks fascinating. Have a happy Easter!!!