Weekly Update for August 15, 2011

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Welcome to my weekly update for August 15, 2022! It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.


Review of The Dreaming Place by Charles de Lint

Review of The Lost City of Z by David Grann, read by Mark Deakins

Character Connection featuring Teddy Daniels from Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

Review of How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

Sunday Salon post about a completed challenge and some recent acquisitions


The Invisible Ring by Anne Bishop

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

The Arrival by Shaun Tan

Bone: Out from Boneville by Jeff Smith

Currently Reading:

The Betrayal of the Blood Lily by Lauren Willig

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, read by Jayne Entwistle

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason (A co-worker insisted I read this. I’m not really interested but I didn’t know how to say no. At least it’s very short.)

The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain–I think I’ll bump this up to my daytime book after I finish Blood Lily. Maybe my before-bed sense of humor is just not in the right place to enjoy this. If that doesn’t work, this is going on the DNF list.

Up Next:

Between Blood Lily and Innocents, I’ve probably got next week covered. If I do happen to finish both, I’ll move on to Blankets by Craig Thompson


Thank you for all the well-wishes for my cousin last week. I understand the surgery went well. He is having more lab work done today to see how things stand now.

What are you reading this week?

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  1. Yay for The Arrival and the Bone series.

    I'm posting late this week because I've been on a trip to the mountains and out of reach of the internet. Please come see what I've read.

  2. Good to hear the surgery went well.

    The Sunflowers are looking good.

    have a good reading week


  3. Just hopping through, hope you enjoy your week's reading. I think I've also got "Richest Man in Babylon" yet to read it though 🙁

  4. You are doing good!!!
    I am not reading much, but so what?!!

    Here is my Monday: Mailbox/What Are You Reading?/Musings post!

  5. Good news about the surgery! Your book week looks promising. I've had my eye on The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie.

    Enjoy your week!


  6. Glad the surgery went well. Keeping my fingers crossed for your cousin.

    Love the eclectic range of books you have read and are planning to read. Shame that the Mark Twain isn't standing up to his usual humour.

  7. Stopping by on the It's monday blog hop. I like the idea of the southern lit challenge. I think I will have to sign up for it!
    New Email subscriber
    Check out my It's Monday post

  8. I cannot wait to read your review on "Their Eyes were Watching God". I love bloggers who have a variety of genres in their "currently reading" list!

    Have a great week of reading!

  9. My continued well-wishes for your cousin. Have a fabulous week and happy reading.
    My Monday: rundpinne.com/2011/08/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-52.html

  10. So so glad to hear things went well with your cousin and I hope they continue to keep going well. :o)

    I can't wait to hear what you think of The Arrival! Hope you have a fabulous reading week and if you get a second stop my to see what I've been reading at There's A Book! 🙂

  11. Glad everything went well. I like the current reading list as well. Alan Bradley and Mark Twain together! wow.

  12. Glad the surgery went well! I loved The Arrival by Shaun Tan – one of my favorite recommend books.

  13. Glad to hear the surgery went well. As you know, I am reading Zora and Me (on audio). I need to listen to it more often!

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