Weekly Update for May 2, 2021

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Weekly Update at Introverted Reader

Welcome to my weekly update for May 2, 2021!

As you read this, my husband and I should be spending the weekend with his parents. We’ve all been vaccinated and they’re only a two-hour drive away. It felt safe to us and the CDC says it’s okay too. We’ve had lunch with them a couple of times since we arrived in Florida but this will be our first overnight visit since Christmas 2019. We’ll be celebrating an early Mother’s Day while we’re there.

The moonset from Siesta Key was spectacular on Tuesday morning.

Moonset from Siesta Key Beach


Ten Animals in Books

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori–4 Stars

Welcome to the Jungle (Dresden Files #0.5) by Jim Butcher, illustrated by Ardian Syaf–3.5 Stars

The Twentieth Wife by Indu Sundaresan, read by Sneha Mathan

Six Degrees of Separation from Beezus and Ramona


Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori

The Twentieth Wife by Indu Sundaresan, read by Sneha Mathan

Welcome to the Jungle (Dresden Files #0.5) by Jim Butcher, illustrated by Ardian Syaf

The Pretenders (Cemetery Girl Trilogy #1) by Charlaine Harris and Christopher Golden, illustrated by Don Kramer

Currently Reading:

A Curse Dark as Gold by Elizabeth C. Bunce, read by Charlotte Parry

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Up Next:

I don’t even know. I’ve still struggled with my concentration this week. We’ll see where the mood takes me.

What did your week look like?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon and Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer hosts Sunday Post. Kathryn at Book Date hosts It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

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  1. So happy for you that you’re vaccinated and able to visit family! I just got my second shot, so we’re looking forward to a family visit in about two weeks 😀

  2. How wonderful that you were able to spend time with your husband’s parents. My brother and sister-in-law came up from San Diego to celebrate my mom’s 88th and Mother’s Day and it was the first time they’d stayed over since Dec. 2019, so I know how you must’ve felt. Isn’t it wonderful to be vaccinated?!

    Wow. What an amazing photo of that moonset! That’s one to frame & hang!

    I haven’t been able to concentrate much on reading, either. We got home from our week-long trip and had to prepare for our houseguests. The next two plus weeks will be very busy with various appointments and prep before we head out on our road trip on June 1st. I’ll be happy if I finish two books in May!

  3. My mom is coming for a visit in two weeks, when we are all vaccinated. I listened to Braiding Sweetgrass and found it inspiring.

  4. My friend was telling me about Convenience Store Woman. She thought I might need to “work up to it” by reading other Japanese literature first! I’m tempted to try it now…just because!

  5. I hope you have a great visit. You are reading/have read an interesting variety of books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. It feels weird to be back in the world again but of course I’m thankful! Siesta Key looks beautiful – that’s a bucket list trip for me.

    1. It does feel weird so I feel like I have to justify it! 😀 Siesta Key is gorgeous. I’m usually just there for a walk in the morning but once the sun gets high enough to turn the water blue, it’s breath-taking.

  7. Gorgeous photo. Nice to be able to finally have an overnight visit. When we can’t have something and then it returns we really appreciate it. Hope your concentration improves, like Anne above I find when I am tired etc the audiobook really helps.

  8. I often find myself having trouble concentrating on my books. I think that means, but isn’t necessarily so, that I don’t particularly like the book. Audiobooks help me. Listening forces my attention or I have to back track which isn’t that easy. My Sunday Salon post

    1. Audiobooks are the only books that really seem to be working for me at the moment. I’ve had a couple of books back-to-back that I either didn’t care for that much or that require more focus than I have. They’ve turned reading into a bit of a slog for me.

  9. That is one of the most beautiful beach photos I’ve ever seen, it would make a beautiful print for a wall!

    Enjoy your time with your family!

  10. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting family! I’m looking forward to a time when we can do such things without almost having to justify it to ourselves or feeling like we have to justify it to other people (or qualify things with statements like “socially distanced and with masks”). 🙂

    The mother’s day statement threw me off then I realised that it’s a different date in the UK to most other places… (Mother’s day here was in March). Have a lovely early celebration.

    Take care.

    1. I always feel like I have to justify anything I do outside the house. I just don’t want anyone to think I’m being irresponsible. Someone probably does anyway but we’re all just doing the best we can, right? I will definitely be glad when we don’t feel like we have to explain our excursions.

  11. Being vaccinated is such a great feeling. Being able to see family and friends again. Sounds like a great time this week. I hope you enjoy Braiding Sweetgrass.

    Love your pic too! I hope you have a wonderful week.

  12. What a fantastic picture of the moon over the sea – thank you for sharing it:). And what a momentous milestone – actually visiting your in-laws and staying over! I hope you have the loveliest time! I haven’t actually been in a room with my mother for over a year and in the time I’ve only seen her through glass on two occasions… We still can’t go visiting indoors, yet. And quite right, too. We’ve been the worst hit country in Europe by quite a margin, so I’ve no quarrel with the Government taking the easing of restrictions very, very carefully. Have a wonderful week:).

  13. I listed to Bunce’s PREMEDITATED MYRTLE a couple weeks ago and loved it. I haven’t read anything else by her, but A CURSE DARK AS GOLD is one I’ve had my eye on for some time now. I really need to just read it already! I hope you enjoy it.


  14. Enjoy every moment you can spend with your husband’s parents. My mom and my husband’s mom have been gone for many years now. I love to remember what a dynamo my mom was and what a loving person my mother-in-law was.

    Look at that moonset. Beautiful.

    I’ve finally culled down my titles so that I am not reading ten or twelve at once! My concentration has been odd, too.

  15. I had a great reading week, liking all 4 of the books I read. I realize that once my daughter is home at the end of the month, I will read much less.

  16. Oh love that moon! And that’s awesome that you guys get to visit the in- laws. Hope you have an amazing trip.

    Those 6 Degrees posts are always fun! 🙂

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